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Manage online enrollment

If you have the Online Enrollment MemberXG add-on, track and manage your members throughout their portal enrollment process (see Set up enrollment to configure the portal enrollment pages). View members by group, enrollment time frame, and if they've submitted their enrollment elections.

  • If members have submitted their enrollment, accept or deny any changes the member made to their demographics. Verify and process the enrollment if it meets your office's standards, or deactivate or clear the enrollment if you need to pause or restart the member's enrollment.
  • If they haven't submitted their enrollment yet, waive members through enrollment who don't want to elect coverage, or remove them from an enrollment time frame if they need to be added to another time frame or removed from enrollment altogether. Use an open enrollment agent account to further assist and troubleshoot for a member. See Manage MemberXG admin accounts.
Important! Before managing enrollment, make sure you're working on the correct group's member portal. See Environment managementto choose what site to work on.

Filter enrollment by group and enrollment time frame

Before working with member enrollment files, filter the members you're going to work on. Choose to manage enrollment for the entire system or for a certain group, then filter by the enrollment time frame.

Home > System Administration > MemberXG > Manage Enrollment

Hint: To print or export the data from the tables, click gear icon and select the appropriate option. Select or create a view from the list next to the gear icon. See Common features for more information on printing and exporting data from a table.
  1. To view all prepped members, select Single Group, or select a group to view from the Multiple Groups list.

    Click to view a summary of the system or selected group's enrollment time frames. The summary displays the number of prepped, open (not started or in-progress), and submitted member enrollments along with the number of member elections and details processed.

  2. Select the dates to filter from the Enrollment time frame.

  3. Filter the table by members who have or haven't submitted online enrollment yet. How you work on the enrollment files differs depending on which you choose:

ClosedMembers who have enrolled

View members who've submitted their enrollment elections and related information.

Accept or deny any changes the member made to their demographics. Verify and process the enrollment if it meets your office's standards, or deactivate or clear the enrollment if you need to pause or restart the member's enrollment.

  1. Click the Submitted tab to view the member who have completed online enrollment. Choose to view Pending Enrollments or All Enrollments for the selected group and time frame.
  2. From the option list, filter All(default) enrollments, those With Changes, or those Without Changes

    Based on your filter selections, the table updates with members or if there are no enrollments that meet your selected criteria, nothing displays.

View a member's submitted dependent, beneficiary, COBClosed A provision for determining benefits when a member has more than one benefit plan., Medicare, and custom question information.

  1. Select the check box next to the member to view.

  2. Open and review the member's Dependents, Beneficiaries, Coordination of Benefits (COBClosed The sub-area of a tab or subtab.), Medicare, and Questions tabs. These tabs display the information they entered during enrollment.

    Double-click each row to view a member's demographic or dependent information changes.

  3. To accept the changes, click . To reject the changes and keep the system information, click .

Clear a member's enrollment if you need them to re-complete the enrollment, or if you need to remove them from enrollment altogether.

  1. Select the check box next to the member to clear.
  2. Click .

  3. Click .

    The enrollment is cleared, the member enrollment file is moved to the Open tab, and the member can now re-enroll on the portal.

Suspend a member's enrollment in ServiceXG if, for example, the fund office is still waiting for additional forms or information from the member. Reactivate the enrollment once all the necessary materials are received.

  1. Select the check box next to the member to deactivate or reactivate.
  2. If the enrollments are active, click . If they've already been deactivated, click .
  3. Click .

    The enrollment is deactivated or reactivated.

Verify an enrollment once you've checked that it meets your office's standards and it's ready to process.

  1. Select the check box next to the member to verify.
  2. Check the details and if they’re complete. See View a member's enrollment details and changes.
  3. Click .

  4. Click .

    The enrollment's Verification Date is updated with today's date.

Once you've reviewed and verified an enrollment, process the member's elections and changes.

Important! You can't edit an enrollment's details once it's processed. Make sure the information is correct and meets your office's standards.
  1. Select the check box next to the member to process.
  2. Click .
  3. Click to the confirmation messages.

    The member's files are updated based on their enrollment details. The member enrollment is removed from the Manage Enrollment table.

ClosedMembers who haven't enrolled

Track members who haven't started online enrollment or members whose enrollment is in-progress.

Waive members through enrollment who don't want to elect coverage, or modify the enrollment period remove them from an enrollment time frame if they need to be added to another time frame or removed from enrollment altogether.

  1. Select the Open tab to view the member enrollments that haven't been started or are in-progress.
  2. Select Not Started to view the member enrollments that haven't been started, select Started to view the in-progress enrollments, or select All to view both.

If a member chooses to waive benefits for the enrollment period, waive enrollment on their behalf.

  1. Select the check box of the member(s) to waive through enrollment.
  2. Click .

  3. Click .

    The member enrollment file is moved to the Submitted tab and marked as waived.

Remove a member from the enrollment period if they were accidentally added or need to be removed for any reason.

  1. Select the check box of the member(s) to remove.
  2. Click .

  3. Click .

    The member is removed from the enrollment time frame. The member has to be re-imported and prepped to start enrollment over. See Import members for enrollment.

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